Free Obama Yes We Did Sticker

In celebration of the victory of Hope and Change in this year’s presidential election, you can get a free Barack Obama sticker. It’s designed by Shepard Fairey, the artist who created the iconic HOPE poster. And MoveOn’s giving them away totally free–even the shipping’s free.
shepsticker really wants to make sure everyone who helped make this day possible gets a “Yes We Did!” sticker. So please pass this on to anyone you know who might want one — they are happy to send them one, free. You can order more stickers, but only the first one is free.

Also, tomorrow, Friday, at 12:30 p.m. ET, is going to offer 5,000 limited edition, poster-sized prints of the “Yes We Did—Victory!” design. So today, you can get a free sticker to commemorate this historic moment—and tomorrow, you’ll have a chance to own a timeless piece of art. For more information on the limited edition prints, visit the site.