Google Nexus 7 Tablet Initial Impressions

Now, why the Nexus7  when I already have an iPad, a Kindle, an iPhone, and two computers? Well, first of all probably because I can’t resist toys. 😉 Secondly, the two computers don’t count as they have dedicated work uses and really are not the everyday, take anywhere, kind of devices that a Google Nexus 7 Tablettablet is. Thirdly, I will actually be passing on the iPad and Kindle, most probably. Finally, in self defense, I actually didn’t buy the iPad, a first generation one, but won it. So, that was no expense. But it was my gateway drug and I really have gotten used to a tablet.  I will admit to being an unabashed Apple fan. Since my iPad is a first generation though, it is starting to seem a bit slower and I actually feel it is a bit big and heavy sometimes. I have to type on it with two hands, and reading on it is harder because of the weight. That is why I bought the bottom of the line Kindle.

My wife has a Kindle and loves it. I tried her’s and really liked the reading experience. I found I could read much faster on the Kindle than on paper, and I also like having lots of books, articles, magazines, and technical references available at all times. What I didn’t like is having another device.

Which leads to the Nexus 7. It has the capabilities of the iPad (for the most part) but the smaller portability of the Kindle. It’s back-lit screen is a little harder on the eyes than the Kindle’s e-Ink, but not horribly so. I was worried that the type on the Nexus 7 would be too small for my aging eyes after using the iPad, but I don’t find that to be the case. The screen is quite clear and, of course, it is easy to zoom in.

The iPhone is a totally different case, so really doesn’t figure into the decision. Oh, and that decision looks to be – the Kindle will get passed down to my 16 year old son to read his school literature assignments on (and whatever other books he can come up with), the iPad will get passed on to my wife to replace her laptop that died last year and never got replaced, and I will keep the Nexus 7 as both my eReader and on-the-go email and work tablet.

As a side benefit, almost totally unrelated, I found some great automobile diagnostic software for the Android called Torque that, when paired with a $20 Bluetooth OBD II Scannerir?t=palmettobugdigit&l=as2&o=1&a=B0076KBPNI from, will let me diagnose problems with my car. This is great not only for my current car, but will tell me a lot about used cars when we got to buy another one. It is similar to the little sensors that insurance companies are now trying to get people to put on their cars.