I was tagged by El Vigilante to complete this meme. The rules of this meme are:
- Link to the person who tagged you.
- Post the rules on your blog.
- Write six random things about yourself.
- Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
- Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
- Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Here are six random things about me (that you may not know) :
- I actually like and enjoy opera.
- I have never seen “Titanic” or all of “Gone With The Wind”.
- I have sat on the thrown of Ireland at Dublin Castle.
- I have the same birthday (day and month) as Zelda Fitzgerald.
- I am very resistant to pain killers.
- I love a good cigar. Ok, so that’s not a secret, it is just the only thing I could think of.
Cool. Now it’s your turn. Your participation, of course, is completely voluntary.
And here are the new targets.
- Kate – The Suburban Sweetheart
- Lyn Mettler – New World PR
- Heather – Home EC 101
- Lisa – Lakenvelde Muse
- Kari – Chalice Spark
- Susanne in Charleston