Please Back Up!!

Back The F: Up!It is about time to start thinking about your New Years resolutions, right? I know you are thinking I am going to talk about exercising, eating right, or doing all those other things you really don’t want to do, but no. I am talking about resolving to do something that you really do want to do. It may well even go along with a new toy you got for Christmas! How about resolving to actually do backups on your computer files? No, not glamorous, but really worthwhile. What’s more, I can give you a way to make following through on that resolution as painless as possible.

I wrote an article about a mindless way to backup your Windows or Mac computer so you can just set it and forget it. Please check out my post Mindless backups about using Mozy on Palmettobug Digital.

Sorry, I really can’t help you with your other resolutions, but I can hopefully help you with this one.