The Race For Stability and Civility

I have to admit it; I am ready for this election to be over. As I sat down this evening to write this new blog entry, I was trying to think of what to write about. Some ideas came to mind, but they all revolved around the candidates, the issues, trust, mistrust, lies, being two-faced, and fear. I am sorry, but I am just getting tired of it all.

I am tired of the fear and the distrust from both sides. I am tired of the lies being told and the falsehoods being circulated. I am tired of the racist jokes and the sexist images. But most of all I am tired of the way I find myself getting carried away on this blog, in email, on twitter, and in person. I know I have turned some people off – not by my views or who I support, but by how vehemently I have pushed those views on others.

This extends beyond me too. Things are becoming very, very split around the nation. People who are normally friendly towards one another are turning away. The American people, who are normally a pretty good lot, are saying some awfully nasty things at rallies. Even just driving down the road people are getting honked at and flipped off because of the bumper stickers on their cars. Why should you display open aggression to someone you don’t know just because they display of support for their chosen candidates – be they McCain and Palin, Obama and Biden, or even Hillary Clinton or John Edwards?

And finally I am tired of the uncertainty. I do not think that the markets and other financial indicators will settle down until this race is over. Hopefully all it will take is the election, but it may take until the actual inauguration before some stability takes over. Now I know that everything won’t just suddenly turn around and the markets become a happy place full of clover and butterflies, but at least they should even out. When the election is over we will all have an idea of what direction the next four years are going to take, and that will help a lot.

So what do you think? Is this election making things better or worse? I know we will hopefully be better off with a new President, but is the election itself causing separation, class or race warfare, or other damage to our democracy?