It would be harder to get much further apart in for or function than these two items and still remain within the model railroading hobby, but they both make perfect additions to my collection.
The first is nice N Scale MicroTrains 50′ boxcar decorated in South Carolina motif. Yes, it is way too modern for anything I plan on modeling, but I like the SC cars. A number of different manufactures made them in different designs, and the goal is to collect them all. In time. I am in no hurry. I got this one from an excellent dealer at a bargain price. Just the way I like it.
The second item is an older book, published in 1972, on building model trams and tramways. Entitled “Scale Model Electric Tramways and How to Model Them” by E. Jackson-Stevens, it is that amusing combination of British seriousness, good information, and derisive commentary on those who don’t agree. For example, this passage in the chapter on choosing a scale to model:
The smallest ‘TT’ gauge is only suitable for table-top and, and although some modellers to adopt this tiny scale and also OO gauge, neither could be regarded as actual scale modelling in its truest sense as both scales rely upon the purchase of ready-made kits of parts, anathema to the purist modeller.
The rest of the paragraph, and in fact the remainder of the chapter and book even, continue on in the same manner and provide me with a comforting mixture of amusement, historical perspective, and English snobbery. Quite delightful!
Well that’s all the fun for today folks. Did you get anything interesting in the mail, UPS, or at the shop?