Upgrading older Macs
An iMac G3 and a G4 Powerbook. Looking to get the G3 up to Tiger and the PowerBook up to Leopard. Actually this is kind of trying my patience… Posted via email from carnellm’s posterous
Data Mechanic
An iMac G3 and a G4 Powerbook. Looking to get the G3 up to Tiger and the PowerBook up to Leopard. Actually this is kind of trying my patience… Posted via email from carnellm’s posterous
I am a Mac fan, user, and evangelist. On the other hand I earn my living on PCs and Windows machines. And yes for those of you out there, I have used Linux too and continue to use it from time to time. But truth be told, they are all a pain and each one … Read more
Since I first started using Microsoft Office 2008 for the Mac and wrote about it, I have noticed two things. First, one or more of the programs locks up and crashes at least once a day. That means Excel, Word, or Entourage goes toes up and dies. This doesn’t happen to me with Office 2004. … Read more