Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey – Timeline Exercise #15

The timeline of my day. That is what we are here to talk about. And why? Because that is exercise number 15 in my thirty-one day blog challenge. And for the record, let me say once and for all, when this thirty-one day challenge is over I shall not be doing another one. At least not like this. Goals are fine. Challenges that ask us to go beyond our comfort zone and stretch a bit are fine, but challenges that really don’t have something to be The Drive In During My Timelinegained by the steps as well as the finish are not so fine. That is where I am with this. I am doing this exercise to get my writing muscles back in shape a bit and to develop some regularity to my writing. But, I should have investigated the content of the exercises a bit better before signing on. Because of that I am left doing exercises like “Timeline of your day.” My fault.

Anyway, back to class folks! My timeline varies drastically, as it does for most people, depending on whether or not we are talking about a workday. Since there are 5 workdays per week to every 2 non-workdays, I shall choose to educate you on my normal workday. Only seems fair and democratic.

My basic workday goes something like this:

5:45 am – Get up. I try to get up on time, though occasionally I fail miserably. I use my iPhone as my alarm clock, and every once in a while I forget to set it or have turned the volume off or just sleep through it.  So I get up, take a shower, dig through the laundry baskets for something to wear, curse my lack of matching socks, let the dogs and cats in and out multiple times, and then finally stumble out of the door hopefully by 6:40. It takes approximately 20 minutes to get to my parking garage, therefore our next step is …

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