Cars, Locos and Extras for the EuroNook

Here are some of the items I have gotten to go on the EuroNook layout that is still in progress. First we have the little German loco and six cars. All of these are in European N-Scale. Yes, I know there is a mixture of timeframes depicted, but ha! It is my railroad and I don’t care. The era for what I am building is probably 1990s or so, but I am really not worrying to much about it. In the case of this layout I am just out to get something done and have a little fun.

Euro Cars 01

Next are two cars that probably won’t go on this layout, but you never know. The top one is PECO so not only English, not Continental European, but because of that alo a bit off in scale. The second one is a little too early – even for my make believe layout! But, it might end up there anyway. Maybe a rail-fan excursion?

Euro Cars 02

Now we have a really neat car. This is a Fleischmann gondola known as the Freedom Car. The load is a small piece of the actual iron curtain fence that divided East and West Germany. This car includes an unnumbered certificate of authenticity. Very cool piece of history.

Euro Cars 03

And now a level crossing. Not sure how I am going to fit this one in yet, but I liked it. Ah well, I will get it in there somehow. Maybe.

Euro Crossing

And finally some small farm buildings. These will be set near the farmhouse and watermill that have had for a while. So yes, a rural setting. Again, that goes back to how make the above level crossing fit in. And the entire layout is only one foot by three feet.

Euro Farm Buildings

Well, that is it for now. More updates as hey become available … meaning as I get off my butt and do some work.