Clear Blogging – A Good Book For Business

To put it succinctly, Clear Blogging ir?t=palmettobugdigit&l=as2&o=1&a=1590596919by Bob Walsh is the kind of book I would give to a boss or manager to educate them about what blogging is, can be, and a hint of technicalities on the back end. While a good book and a great overview of what is entailed with blogging, there are not enough nitty-gritty details to satisfy someone who is of a technical nature or someone who has been blogging for a while.clearblogging

However, for someone who needs to know what this blogging thing is about and how they might be able to use it for their business, either directory or indirectly, this is the perfect place to start. I would estimate that at least half of the book is made up of interviews with either bloggers, people who run blogging companies, or marketing type folk. These interviews, though they get a little long and predictable after a while, lend real life examples to the lessons being taught.

Additionally, there is sufficient attention given to topics such as podcasting, monetization, and social networking to give you a good start on finding out more about these areas.

All in all, for any body wondering where to get started, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Clear Blogging. And if you are already in to blogging, I will bet this book can still teach you a few things.