My Personal Rights

1. I have the right to ask for what I want.
2. I have the right to say “no”.
3. I have the right to feel and express my feelings, both positive and negative.
4. I have the right to make mistakes.
5. I have the right to have my own opinions and convictions.
6. I have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
7. I have the right to change my mind or decide on a different course of action.
8. I have the right to protest unfair treatment or criticism.
9. I have the right to expect honesty from others.
10. I have the right to my own values and standards.
11. I have the right to be angry at someone I love.
12. I have the right to say “I don’t know”.
13. I have the right to negotiate for change.
14. I have the right to be in a non-abusive environment.
15. I have the right to ask for help or emotional support.
16. I have the right to my own needs for personal space and time, even if others would prefer my company.
17. I have the right not to have to justify myself to others.
18. I have the right not to take responsibility for someone else’s behavior, feelings, or problems.
19. I have the right not to have to anticipate others’ needs and wishes.
20. I have the right not to always worry about the goodwill of others.
21. I have the right to choose not to respond to a situation.