I got this easy conservation advice today in the mail from the Charleston Green Committee. Not only would it save power and water, it would save money. Obviously then Iike it very much and going to try it at our house. We go through way too many cups and glasses each day and this seems like an easy way to curtail some of that.
Try the One Cup Rule
How does your household blaze through all these plates, glasses, and silverware in one day? As soon as you have unloaded the dishwasher, the sink is piled high with more dishes.
Try making a new household rule: 1 drinking cup per person a day. You can designate this via color. You can put a fun sticker on a cup. You can write your name on it with a Sharpie.
The one-cup method will not only conserve water, but it will also make less work for the person who ends up doing the dishes every day.