Striking It Rich

A blog post by a good friend of mine, Andra Watkins, the other day talked about quirks that we must all have. In the comments she even implied that I might have a few of my own. While I see nothing wrong with collecting British car magazines, or sending my friends on treks to find them, she found that a bit odd.

Trolley MagazinesWhat must she think then of my most recent acquisition over which I am so thrilled? Well, no matter that, I am very happy to have come into a bunch of old trolley magazines. Yes, trollies. The three different publications are “Trolley Talk“, “Scale Model Traction and Trolleys” and “Traction and Models”.

Most of these I got free for nothing from some folks at the local model railroad club, but a few I actually bought off of eBay. Total amount I spent for all of them? About $4. Value to me? Priceless. Or at least much more that $4.

So yes, in addition to being a British car fan I must admit to being a railroad nut. I have loved trains, both large and small, since I was a boy. One of my earliest memories is visiting New Orleans with my parents while my father was in graduate school at LSU. All I really remember from that trip is the small train raid at the zoo, riding the streetcar, and getting out at the end of the line to watch as the street car was pushed around to head back the other way. Well, that and visiting my namesake, Mike the Tiger, the LSU mascot.

At a very early age, I have no idea when, my parents got me a Lionel train set. Over the years I went from that set to HO, N, and Z. I have even dabbled in the British scale of OO. So you see, it is deep in my blood and a long time affliction. But what would quirks be if we couldn’t enjoy them?