I am cutting the cord – at least on Sunday. Well, every Sunday. I spend on average at least 10 to 12 hours per work day on the computer. On the weekends, I spend less time than that, but still far too much. I need to regain control of my life. This means no more Internet on Sundays.
The first Sunday without Internet was two weeks ago and it went surprisingly well. No withdrawal symptoms, no website collapse, not even any missed deals on Amazon or eBay. What did happen is that time came back for reading real paper books, for writing with pen and paper, for working on the cars disassembled in the garage, and for baking. Yes, tomorrow there will be breakfast cooked before church and then eggnog rum bread baked in the afternoon.
When I say that there is no Internet on Sunday, I mean it. I don’t check email or the weather, shop, or hit Facebook. I don’t even write on the computer — I do it old school with a fountain pen and notebook. This goes to normal communication too. I will respond to a text message if sent one, but will not begin a discussion by text. If I need to talk with someone on Sunday, I actually talk to them. Yes, it is hard for me, but I will use the phone as a telephone on Sundays. Both my father and sister asked what was wrong when I called. Clearly that reaction points to the fact that something was indeed wrong.
Not using the conveniences of the net does take a bit of preparation. That rum bread I am baking tomorrow? The recipe had to be printed off today. Asking someone else to do my Google searches is just cheating. Preparation and adaptation are intrinsic to this whole process. Schedules need to be checked, bank balances confirmed, and articles for Just British written and scheduled ahead of time. But, all that preplanning means there is more time for the good stuff. And that is the point.
Most of us complain about not having enough time, but we are all given the same amount of time. How we use our time comes down to priorities. When a book doesn’t get read or bread doesn’t get baked or an old friend get seen or the dog doesn’t get walked, it is rarely because there isn’t enough time. It is because something else, surfing the Internet in my case, was put first on the priority list. Often without your even realizing it has happened.
So, if you don’t see me posting as much anymore, you will know why. And if you want to to talk on a Sunday, give me a call. You are a priority, but the computer and smartphone are not.