Book Review: The Noticer

The Noticer by Andy Andrews, published by Nelson Nelson, is a newly published work that aims to teach the value of perspective. By noticing the different perspectives from which we approach the decisions in our lives, we gain understanding. This can be understanding of how others see us, understanding of the consequences of our actions, … Read more

Collapse Of Distinction

Collapse of Distinction: Stand Out and Move Up While Your Competition Fails by Scott McKain is exactly the book that anyone involved in running a business should be reading right now. McKain, who is Vice Chairman of Obsidian Enterprises, recently named one of the “fastest growing public companies” in the country, cuts a clear path … Read more

Coraline – Neil Gaiman

She shrugged saying that at least her friends had said it was a good book.Coraline is a short book of about 160 pages and is a very quick read. Originally written for Gaiman’s daughters, it is the story of a young girl who feels bored and unappreciated in her home and end up finding herself in adventure on “the other side” that will not only bring her some excitement but also give her self image some definition.As for a review?