Nonprofit Boot Camp

As many of you know, I am one of the founding partners of the Palmetto Technology Hub, or PATH. PATH’s mission is to provide technology support and resources to the South Carolina lowcountry not-for-profit community. Now, after a year of work, we are proud to invite you to join us at The Charleston Place Hotel on June 30, 2011, for a day … Read more

I Like To Get Things Started

When I was a sophomore in college I bought my first car, a 1971 MGBGT. I loved that car. When I was younger I swore that my first car wasn’t going to be some big ugly clunker, but something that I really wanted. And I really wanted that MG. The picture here isn’t of my car, but it is exactly what mine looked like, color and all.

MGB GT 1971Much to everyone’s amazement, I got the MG. And I was devoted to it. And like most old cars do, it broke down. Now I had enough money at that time to make my car payment and buy gas, but I really didn’t have enough money for repair bill. So after getting it repaired, thanks dad, and it breaking down again I figured out that I was going to have to learn to fix it myself. There was only one problem though; I had no idea how to work on cars. Even then I was a budding computer geek – without much mechanical ability at all.

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